Friday, December 15, 2006


Iz... stop smoking up!
Ok guys... she's 'tagged' me. And i've got to divulge 5 things about myself that people don't know.
So here goes.
1) I used to like the macarena, some songs from Aqua (yeah the barbie girl people) and even one song from Jessica Simpson called public affair. I hope I don't go to cool people's jail for this.

2) I HAVE to sleep on the right side of the bed. Or on the side that's not against the wall. Toss and turn for 15 minutes trying to find my position and end up on my side.

3) I'm a wimp when it comes to extreme sports/ events. Can't do bungee jumping. Roller coasters. And yeah, the most terryfing of em all. The Giant Wheel. I just can't take it. I like my legs on the ground. Not forming a bow around my neck.

4) To all my Indian friends - this is a biggie. I haven't watched Sholay.

5) This is a slightly embarassing one. Even though i'm from Goa - I can;t hold my liqour. 3 drinks Max. Then the loud off key singing. Then the 'not related to the conversation' insults. And then my hands start cramping.

The few people that actually read my blog are already tagged. Orange Jammies, Karen, Prashant, Prado, if you actually come back here, you're it.


Diana Kotwal said...

Man, just realised how much dirt we got on each other. I'll make a deal with you. You don't tell anyone my secrets and I won't tell anyone you still play with your malibu barbie, ok?

iz said...

YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED SHOLAY?????????? Is this what I tagged you to hear?????

TS said...

'Awww' on the afraid of Giant Wheels!

KD13 said...

So you can't hold your liquor...hmmm...

If I knew you in real life that would be very useful to know. As it is you're safe :)

I'll do the tag. Eventually. In a week or so.


prado said...

Not watched Sholay.........not bad you can add me 2 ur list 2. Me did mention to catch it sometime lately last year. :D And did watched the old blockbuster DON when the new was released. heeeheeeee so m tagged there.

Anonymous said...

aaaaargh! damn! i asked for it! i asked for it! i came back! grrr!
oh'll have your tag...happy?