Dear People,
I have a friend whom I shall not name (Nicola Bush, Fairmont, Dubai), who sort of has an explanation for nursery rhymes. She says… perhaps they aren’t all that idiotic after all. Perhaps they are symbolic for something much deeper. Get the drift?
So letzee….Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool, yes Sir yes sir 3 bags full, one for my master, one for my dame.. and one for the little boy who lives down the lane. So… Assuming Sheep is code for drug dealer. And the kindergarten kids singing the rhyme are shitting bricks coz the Drug Enforcement Agency is on their case.. so they have to sing in code. And these kids are asking the drug dealing sheep how much of maal he has. And he claims he has three bags. But his wife needs to smoke a joint.. and so does his dad and he’s thinking of rolling one for his granny (a.k.a little boy down the lane).Hmm.. kindda fits in, but I’m still a bit skeptical coz I have a friend who’se granny says she and her friends hate pot and they just stick to extasy. And why would a sheep need to peddle drugs to support his own habit when he gets all the free grass in the world. Debatable
lol! singing this one will never be the same again :-) and it's part of my day job...
i've written a post on my blog called And the Clock Struck One.. check it out sometime..
hey OJ!
Hope you're reading this, because haven't registered for yahoo 360 and didn't get to comment on your blog.
Great stuff.
I'm seriously beginnign to wonder whether all parsis are inherent & proficient writers! :-)
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